Missing Persons

Helping You Find Missing Persons Worldwide

We Track Missing Persons 

35,000 people in Australia are reported missing every year. Sometimes they turn up again, but sometimes they don't, leaving families, loved ones and friends without closure or answers. There are a lot of reasons someone might go missing; mental health or family problems, or to escape their responsibilities or debts.

Since 1992, Affordable Private Investigators & Detective Agency has accumulated access to numerous missing person search engines nationally and throughout the world, and we have been able to provide exceptional service in tracing "missing persons". As one of our services, our highly trained investigators can discretely track missing persons in Perth and Australia, and even overseas.

Large Global Network 

At Affordable Private Investigators & Detective Agency, we have one of the largest information networks throughout the UK, USA, Malaysia, and Singapore. By connecting with investigators from local areas, we work with people who know the area and the right places to look. This means we can search for missing persons across larger areas with much greater speed and at less expense to you.

We have spent a lot of time in Thailand and have excellent contacts that have been made by on-ground investigations by our own private investigators.

We are a member of the National Association of Investigative Specialists, a Texas-based organisation which has some of the best search engines in the United States of America. 

We are ready to help, so call us today for a free consultation.

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